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From now on updates will take place on jaNET Framework GitHub Wiki.
From now on updates will take place on jaNET Framework GitHub Wiki.
Update applies to jaNET framework version 0.2.2+
See also Instruction Set anatomy.
User and Greetings
Weather (retrieve information from yahoo web service
(*) From the terminal tab you can type judo ? for the latest / updated help.
1. Instruction Sets & Events
1.1 Add New Instruction Set
+ judo inset add <lock>[ID]</lock> <lock>[Action]</lock>
+ judo inset new <lock>[ID]</lock> <lock>[Action]</lock>
+ judo inset set <lock>[ID]</lock> <lock>[Action]</lock>
+ judo inset setup <lock>[ID]</lock> <lock>[Action]</lock]
+ judo inset add [ID] <lock>[Action]</lock> `[Category]` `[Header]` `[Short Description]` `[Long Description]` `[Thumbnail Url]`
+ judo inset new [ID] <lock>[Action]</lock> `[Category]` `[Header]` `[Short Description]` `[Long Description]` `[Thumbnail Url]`
+ judo inset set [ID] <lock>[Action]</lock> `[Category]` `[Header]` `[Short Description]` `[Long Description]` `[Thumbnail Url]`
+ judo inset setup [ID] <lock>[Action]</lock> `[Category]` `[Header]` `[Short Description]` `[Long Description]` `[Thumbnail Url]`
1.2 Remove Instruction Set
+ judo inset remove <lock>[ID]</lock>
+ judo inset delete <lock>[ID]</lock>
+ judo inset del <lock>[ID]</lock>
+ judo inset kill <lock>[ID]</lock>
1.3 List Items
+ judo inset list
1.4 Add New Event Handler
+ judo event add [ID] <lock>[Action]</lock>
+ judo event new [ID] <lock>[Action]</lock>
+ judo event set [ID] <lock>[Action]</lock>
+ judo event setup [ID] <lock>[Action]</lock>
1.5 Remove Event Handler
+ judo event remove [ID]
+ judo event delete [ID]
+ judo event del [ID]
+ judo event kill [ID]
1.6 Delay Between Actions
+ judo sleep [timeout in ms]
+ judo timer [timeout in ms]
1.7 List Items
+ judo event list
2. Mail
2.1 Smtp Settings
+ judo smtp add [host] [username] [password] [port] [ssl]
+ judo smtp setup [host] [username] [password] [port] [ssl]
+ judo smtp set [host] [username] [password] [port] [ssl]
+ judo smtp settings
2.2 Pop3 Settings
+ judo pop3 add [host] [username] [password] [port] [ssl]
+ judo pop3 setup [host] [username] [password] [port] [ssl]
+ judo pop3 set [host] [username] [password] [port] [ssl]
+ judo pop3 settings
2.3 Gmail Settings
+ judo gmail add [username] [password]
+ judo gmail setup [username] [password]
+ judo gmail set [username] [password]
+ judo gmail settings
2.4 Send
+ judo mail send [from address] [to address] `[subject]` `[message]`
3. SMS
3.1 Settings
+ judo sms add [api id] [username] [password]
+ judo sms setup [api id] [username] [password]
+ judo sms set [api id] [username] [password]
+ judo sms setings
3.2 Send
+ judo sms send [phone number] [message]
4. Scheduler
4.1 New Schedule
+ judo schedule add [name] [{single day: e.g.Monday} {d/m/yyyy} {daily} {workdays} {weekend}] [hh:mm] [{instruction set} {verbal notification}]
+ judo schedule new [name] [{single day: e.g.Monday} {d/m/yyyy} {daily} {workdays} {weekend}] [hh:mm] [{instruction set} {verbal notification}]
+ judo schedule set [name] [{single day: e.g.Monday} {d/m/yyyy} {daily} {workdays} {weekend}] [hh:mm] [{instruction set} {verbal notification}]
+ judo schedule setup [name] [{single day: e.g.Monday} {d/m/yyyy} {daily} {workdays} {weekend}] [hh:mm] [{instruction set} {verbal notification}]
+ judo schedule add [name] [{repeat} {timer} {interval}] [interval in ms] [{instruction set} {verbal notification}]
+ judo schedule new [name] [{repeat} {timer} {interval}] [interval in ms] [instruction set} {verbal notification}]
+ judo schedule set [name] [{repeat} {timer} {interval}] [interval in ms] [instruction set} {verbal notification}]
+ judo schedule setup [name] [{repeat} {timer} {interval}] [interval in ms] [instruction set} {verbal notification}]
4.2 Remove Schedule
+ judo schedule remove [name]
+ judo schedule delete [name]
+ judo schedule del [name]
4.3 Disable Schedule
+ judo schedule disable [name]
+ judo schedule deactivate [name]
+ judo schedule stop [name]
+ judo schedule off [name]
4.4 Enable Schedule
+ judo schedule enable [name]
+ judo schedule activate [name]
+ judo schedule start [name]
+ judo schedule on [name]
4.5 Remove All Schedules
+ judo schedule remove-all
+ judo schedule delete-all
+ judo schedule del-all
+ judo schedule cleanup
+ judo schedule clear
+ judo schedule empty
4.6 Disable All Schedules
+ judo schedule disable-all
+ judo schedule deactivate-all
+ judo schedule stop-all
+ judo schedule off-all
4.7 Enable All Schedules
+ judo schedule enable-all
+ judo schedule activate-all
+ judo schedule start-all
+ judo schedule on-all
4.8 List Actives [ Names ]
+ judo schedule active
+ judo schedule actives
+ judo schedule active-list
+ judo schedule active-ls
+ judo schedule list-actives
+ judo schedule ls-actives
4.9 List Inactives [ Names ]
+ judo schedule inactive
+ judo schedule inactives
+ judo schedule inactive-list
+ judo schedule inactive-ls
+ judo schedule list-inactives
+ judo schedule ls-inactives
4.10 List All [ Names ]
+ judo schedule names
+ judo schedule name-list
+ judo schedule name-ls
+ judo schedule list-names
+ judo schedule ls-names
4.11 List Actives [ Details ]
+ judo schedule active-details
+ judo schedule actives-details
+ judo schedule active-list-details
+ judo schedule active-ls-details
+ judo schedule list-actives-details
+ judo schedule ls-actives-details
4.12 List Inactives [ Details ]
+ judo schedule inactive-details
+ judo schedule inactives-details
+ judo schedule inactive-list-details
+ judo schedule inactive-ls-details
+ judo schedule list-inactives-details
+ judo schedule ls-inactives-details
4.13 List All [ Details ]
+ judo schedule details [name (optional)]
+ judo schedule list [name (optional)]
+ judo schedule ls [name (optional)]
+ judo schedule status [name (optional)]
+ judo schedule state [name (optional)]
5. Socket Communication
5.1 Start Service
+ judo socket start
+ judo socket enable
+ judo socket on
+ judo socket open
+ judo socket listen
5.2 Stop Service
+ judo socket stop
+ judo socket disable
+ judo socket off
+ judo socket close
5.3 Status
+ judo socket status
+ judo socket state
6. Web Server
6.1 Start
+ judo server start
+ judo server enable
+ judo server on
+ judo server listen
6.2 Stop
+ judo server stop
+ judo server disable
+ judo server off
6.3 Create/Change Login
+ judo server login [username] [password]
+ judo server cred [username] [password]
+ judo server credentials [username] [password]
6.4 Status
+ judo server status
+ judo server state
7. Serial Port
7.1 Open
+ judo serial open [port (optional)]
7.2 Close
+ judo serial close
7.3 Send Command
+ judo serial send [command]
7.4 Listen/Monitor
+ judo serial listen [timeout in ms (optional)]
+ judo serial monitor [timeout in ms (optional)]
8. Help
8.1 Preview All
+ judo help
+ judo ?
8.2 Preview Specific Category
+ judo help [help keyword]
+ judo ? [help keyword]
(*) Brackets are mandatory when place a sentence as one argument.
(**) <lock>parser protected document</lock> Lock tags used to bypass parser.
(***) Help Keywords: inset, event, mail, sms, schedule, socket, server, serial, help.
Built-in functions and API commands are described below and it used for instruction set synthesis.
After you create a new InstructionSet you can debug it and see the response from terminal.
You can also debug a launcher (using judo API) before you make the call from Instruction Set. In demonstration below, I'm going to use the 'judo serial send' API to send 'temp' command to the serial port where arduino is connected. This action will automatically fetch the arduino response when it's available.
Once we have test the launcher we can proceed with a custom Instruction Set. Notice the asterisk (*) indicator in front that remarks the launcher.
See also Instruction Set anatomy.
User and Greetings
- %user% %whoami% - return user login
- %daypart% %partofday% - return the current part of the day (morning, noon, evening, afternoon, night, midnight)
- %salute% - return human greetings e.g.: good morning, good evening and good afternoon
- %usercheckin% %checkin% - change user status to true
- %usercheckout% %checkout% - change user status to false
- %whereami% - return the user status (absent/present)
Weather (retrieve information from yahoo web service
- %todayday% - return current day
- %todayconditions% - return current day conditions
- %todaylow% - return current day low temperature
- %todayhigh% - return current day high temperature
- %tomorrowday% - return the day after
- %tomorrowconditions% - return the day after conditions
- %tomorrowlow% - return day after low temperature
- %tomorrowhigh% - return day after high temperature
- %day% - return system day i.e. Sunday
- %date% - return current system date i.e. November 5
- %calendarday% - return system day i.e. 5
- %calendarmonth% - return system month i.e. 11
- %calendaryear% - return system year i.e. 2013
- %calendardate% - return system date in d/m/yyyy format
- %time% - return system time
- %time24% - return system time in 24 format (hh:mm)
- %hour% - return system hour i.e. 17
- %minute% - return system minute
- %pop3count% - pop3 unread message count
- %gmailcount% - gmail unread message count
- %gmailheaders% %gmailreader% %gheaders% %greader% - gmail headers, sender information and subject
- %mute% - disable speech synthesis
- %unmute% - enable speech synthesis
- %cls% %clear% - clearing the console
- %quit% %exit% - terminate application
- %about% %copyright% - return framework version and copyright information
(*) From the terminal tab you can type judo ? for the latest / updated help.
1. Instruction Sets & Events
1.1 Add New Instruction Set
+ judo inset add <lock>[ID]</lock> <lock>[Action]</lock>
+ judo inset new <lock>[ID]</lock> <lock>[Action]</lock>
+ judo inset set <lock>[ID]</lock> <lock>[Action]</lock>
+ judo inset setup <lock>[ID]</lock> <lock>[Action]</lock]
+ judo inset add [ID] <lock>[Action]</lock> `[Category]` `[Header]` `[Short Description]` `[Long Description]` `[Thumbnail Url]`
+ judo inset new [ID] <lock>[Action]</lock> `[Category]` `[Header]` `[Short Description]` `[Long Description]` `[Thumbnail Url]`
+ judo inset set [ID] <lock>[Action]</lock> `[Category]` `[Header]` `[Short Description]` `[Long Description]` `[Thumbnail Url]`
+ judo inset setup [ID] <lock>[Action]</lock> `[Category]` `[Header]` `[Short Description]` `[Long Description]` `[Thumbnail Url]`
1.2 Remove Instruction Set
+ judo inset remove <lock>[ID]</lock>
+ judo inset delete <lock>[ID]</lock>
+ judo inset del <lock>[ID]</lock>
+ judo inset kill <lock>[ID]</lock>
1.3 List Items
+ judo inset list
1.4 Add New Event Handler
+ judo event add [ID] <lock>[Action]</lock>
+ judo event new [ID] <lock>[Action]</lock>
+ judo event set [ID] <lock>[Action]</lock>
+ judo event setup [ID] <lock>[Action]</lock>
1.5 Remove Event Handler
+ judo event remove [ID]
+ judo event delete [ID]
+ judo event del [ID]
+ judo event kill [ID]
1.6 Delay Between Actions
+ judo sleep [timeout in ms]
+ judo timer [timeout in ms]
1.7 List Items
+ judo event list
2. Mail
2.1 Smtp Settings
+ judo smtp add [host] [username] [password] [port] [ssl]
+ judo smtp setup [host] [username] [password] [port] [ssl]
+ judo smtp set [host] [username] [password] [port] [ssl]
+ judo smtp settings
2.2 Pop3 Settings
+ judo pop3 add [host] [username] [password] [port] [ssl]
+ judo pop3 setup [host] [username] [password] [port] [ssl]
+ judo pop3 set [host] [username] [password] [port] [ssl]
+ judo pop3 settings
2.3 Gmail Settings
+ judo gmail add [username] [password]
+ judo gmail setup [username] [password]
+ judo gmail set [username] [password]
+ judo gmail settings
2.4 Send
+ judo mail send [from address] [to address] `[subject]` `[message]`
3. SMS
3.1 Settings
+ judo sms add [api id] [username] [password]
+ judo sms setup [api id] [username] [password]
+ judo sms set [api id] [username] [password]
+ judo sms setings
3.2 Send
+ judo sms send [phone number] [message]
4. Scheduler
4.1 New Schedule
+ judo schedule add [name] [{single day: e.g.Monday} {d/m/yyyy} {daily} {workdays} {weekend}] [hh:mm] [{instruction set} {verbal notification}]
+ judo schedule new [name] [{single day: e.g.Monday} {d/m/yyyy} {daily} {workdays} {weekend}] [hh:mm] [{instruction set} {verbal notification}]
+ judo schedule set [name] [{single day: e.g.Monday} {d/m/yyyy} {daily} {workdays} {weekend}] [hh:mm] [{instruction set} {verbal notification}]
+ judo schedule setup [name] [{single day: e.g.Monday} {d/m/yyyy} {daily} {workdays} {weekend}] [hh:mm] [{instruction set} {verbal notification}]
+ judo schedule add [name] [{repeat} {timer} {interval}] [interval in ms] [{instruction set} {verbal notification}]
+ judo schedule new [name] [{repeat} {timer} {interval}] [interval in ms] [instruction set} {verbal notification}]
+ judo schedule set [name] [{repeat} {timer} {interval}] [interval in ms] [instruction set} {verbal notification}]
+ judo schedule setup [name] [{repeat} {timer} {interval}] [interval in ms] [instruction set} {verbal notification}]
4.2 Remove Schedule
+ judo schedule remove [name]
+ judo schedule delete [name]
+ judo schedule del [name]
4.3 Disable Schedule
+ judo schedule disable [name]
+ judo schedule deactivate [name]
+ judo schedule stop [name]
+ judo schedule off [name]
4.4 Enable Schedule
+ judo schedule enable [name]
+ judo schedule activate [name]
+ judo schedule start [name]
+ judo schedule on [name]
4.5 Remove All Schedules
+ judo schedule remove-all
+ judo schedule delete-all
+ judo schedule del-all
+ judo schedule cleanup
+ judo schedule clear
+ judo schedule empty
4.6 Disable All Schedules
+ judo schedule disable-all
+ judo schedule deactivate-all
+ judo schedule stop-all
+ judo schedule off-all
4.7 Enable All Schedules
+ judo schedule enable-all
+ judo schedule activate-all
+ judo schedule start-all
+ judo schedule on-all
4.8 List Actives [ Names ]
+ judo schedule active
+ judo schedule actives
+ judo schedule active-list
+ judo schedule active-ls
+ judo schedule list-actives
+ judo schedule ls-actives
4.9 List Inactives [ Names ]
+ judo schedule inactive
+ judo schedule inactives
+ judo schedule inactive-list
+ judo schedule inactive-ls
+ judo schedule list-inactives
+ judo schedule ls-inactives
4.10 List All [ Names ]
+ judo schedule names
+ judo schedule name-list
+ judo schedule name-ls
+ judo schedule list-names
+ judo schedule ls-names
4.11 List Actives [ Details ]
+ judo schedule active-details
+ judo schedule actives-details
+ judo schedule active-list-details
+ judo schedule active-ls-details
+ judo schedule list-actives-details
+ judo schedule ls-actives-details
4.12 List Inactives [ Details ]
+ judo schedule inactive-details
+ judo schedule inactives-details
+ judo schedule inactive-list-details
+ judo schedule inactive-ls-details
+ judo schedule list-inactives-details
+ judo schedule ls-inactives-details
4.13 List All [ Details ]
+ judo schedule details [name (optional)]
+ judo schedule list [name (optional)]
+ judo schedule ls [name (optional)]
+ judo schedule status [name (optional)]
+ judo schedule state [name (optional)]
5. Socket Communication
5.1 Start Service
+ judo socket start
+ judo socket enable
+ judo socket on
+ judo socket open
+ judo socket listen
5.2 Stop Service
+ judo socket stop
+ judo socket disable
+ judo socket off
+ judo socket close
5.3 Status
+ judo socket status
+ judo socket state
6. Web Server
6.1 Start
+ judo server start
+ judo server enable
+ judo server on
+ judo server listen
6.2 Stop
+ judo server stop
+ judo server disable
+ judo server off
6.3 Create/Change Login
+ judo server login [username] [password]
+ judo server cred [username] [password]
+ judo server credentials [username] [password]
6.4 Status
+ judo server status
+ judo server state
7. Serial Port
7.1 Open
+ judo serial open [port (optional)]
7.2 Close
+ judo serial close
7.3 Send Command
+ judo serial send [command]
7.4 Listen/Monitor
+ judo serial listen [timeout in ms (optional)]
+ judo serial monitor [timeout in ms (optional)]
8. Help
8.1 Preview All
+ judo help
+ judo ?
8.2 Preview Specific Category
+ judo help [help keyword]
+ judo ? [help keyword]
(*) Brackets are mandatory when place a sentence as one argument.
(**) <lock>parser protected document</lock> Lock tags used to bypass parser.
(***) Help Keywords: inset, event, mail, sms, schedule, socket, server, serial, help.
how I change °C to °F on the Home page?
ReplyDeleteHi Derek. For weather, edit jubito.core.js located in /js directory and change symbols and literals of your choice.