Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Jubito media center

As we explained in Instruction Set Anatomy post, Jubito can run other system processes (programs) with ./ (dot-slash) indicator in order to fetch the result and use it to synthesize a new custom instruction set.

In this example we'll use the above method to organize our favorite movies in one group and use Jubito as a remote control.

First let's see the syntax of the ./ -dot-slash

./'[program path]' '[arguments]'

Calling a program with no arguments will be like...

./notepad.exe or ./'notepad.exe'

Single quotes are not necessary when we make a call without arguments.

In the case of our media center example, we'll use the vlc program with extra arguments, such as -f for start in full screen and the path of the movie. This should be like...

./'C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\vlc.exe' '-f "C:\Downloads\movie.mp4"'

You can test the path before creating it from the run command like this...
C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\vlc.exe -f "C:\Downloads\movie.mp4"

After that you'll be ready to make your own Instruction Set list!

Please make sure that you enclose your executable and arguments in single quotes ('). It is mandatory for the system to split it up correctly. Double quotes (") are used for the file path.

So, that was it. You can now remote control your favorite movies or any other application by using this method.

A blast from the past... :)

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